Sunday, September 16, 2012

Keep on "Rolling" with the Hommies ...

If you're on Pintrest, then you know there are a lot of  creative and artsy ways to reuse a toilette paper roll. This is probably the easiest.
Problem: Cell Phone Case + Dock = Bad Connection
Solution: TP Roll                                                    
Steps: 1.Take a toilette paper roll and flatten it a bit         
2. Place it behind your phone              
Story Behind This Solution:
Cell phone cases are necessary, but annoying to take on and off when you want to dock it. I can't take off my case without either breaking it or hurting my self, so I keep it on to dock it on our Bose. In leaving the case on, I have to carefully dock it and then make sure it doesn't lean back too far, or else it will stop the music. What could be more annoying than listening to music while in the shower, and then have it abruptly stop?  Resulting in you having to get out and adjust it with no guarantee it won't happen again. I was trying to figure out what I could use to prop it up, and there was a empty roll on the counter. I squished it to size, and it worked like a charm. It might look weird, but it works!

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