Thursday, March 28, 2013

Candle Jar Turned Brush Holder...

Re-use a candle jar for your make-up brushes:

* Candle Jar
*Mod Podge
*Food Coloring
*Paper plate

1) If you still have wax on the bottom, stick the jar in the freezer for a bit and then use a butter knife to break it free. Then wash & dry it.
2) Add food coloring to some modge podge (make whatever color you want) I mixed blue & yellow.
You only need enough to fill your jar about a quarter way.
3) Pour mixture into jar and swirl around so all inside surface is well covered.
4) Pour the left over back into mix
5) Turn upside down on a paper plate and let sit for 20-30 min. depending on how big you jar is.
6) Flip right side up and let it continue to dry
7) I would wait at least 24 hours before putting anything in it to make sure that it has dried.

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